Test 2017-04

4 grain 54mm sorbitol motor flown in Robert's "High Voltage" airframe at a Tripoli Colorado launch in Hartsel on 21 May 2017.

With a 13.250" liner, 8.9mm nozzle throat, buna-n o-rings, simulation says this is a 39% J-597, 1050 Ns, with about a 1.5 sec burn

  • Grain 2017-01-05, 187.9g gross, ?g net
  • Grain 2017-01-06, 188.3g gross, ?g net
  • Grain 2017-01-02, 187.8g gross, ?g net
  • Grain 2017-01-09, 191.0g gross, ?g net


On site, we recorded this as a perfect flight with no damage. However, once home, when we tried to pull the motor out of the airframe, it wouldn't come out. Turns out we had a near-CATO. The forward closure pushed the forward snap ring about 25% out of the groove, mushrooming the front of the case in the process. We discarded the forward snap ring and will need to trim and re-groove the case, but the nozzle and forward closure seem fine.

Flight data logged as TeleMetrum sn 2163, flight 7.