Test 2020-1

8 grain 75mm sorbitol motor with pyrodex pellet ignition in 4-inch Wildman re-rebuilt airframe flown on 7 September 2020 at Airfest in Argonia, KS.

48" purple "Woody" case, Loki #58 (long) nozzle with 2 o-rings, customized forward bulkhead with 1600psi pressure sensor and EasyMotor prototype.

The original model using Kuker's Motorsim said this should be a 43% M-2690 with a slightly progressive burn about 2.5 seconds long, using 5355g of propellant or 73% volume loading, and a max pressure of 825 psi.

After casting and weighing the grains, we ended up with a net propellant mass of 4924g. The grains seemed to have fairly uniform density.


Motor cato'd just off the rail on pad 61. Airframe and electronics a total loss.